Shirohime Quest Wiki

Party Bonus grants bonus stats to corresponding Shirohimes


  1. Must have minimum two required Shirohimes in battle team
  2. Friend's Shirohimes counted
  3. Works on PvP only
JP Name EN Name Required Shirohimes Effects
清洲越し Across Kiyosu Increased their damage (20%)
北方築城合戦 Northern War Castles Increased their damage (20%)
仁義礼智信 Wisdom and Faith Greatly Increased their damage (40%)
大和大納言 Yamato Grand Acceptation Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
島津本御内 Shimazu Royal Present Uchijiro,Kagoshima Slightly Increased their damage (5%)
霧ヶ城 Kasumi Gajo Kururi,Yamagata Increased their defense (20%)
龍ヶ城 Ryu Gajo Slightly Increased their defense (5%)
会津遊撃隊 Aizu Guerrilla Squad Aizu Wakamatsu,Matsumae Slightly Increased their defense (10%)
大砲連撃 Cannon Barrage Matsumae,Wakayama Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
メガネッ城 Megane Castles Inabayama,Sasayama Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
剣扇舞 Sword Dance Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
城姫温泉絵図 Shirohime Onsen Illustration Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
館といえども Small Castles Increased their damage (20%)
奇襲連携 Surprise Cooperation Increased their damage (20%)
水着連携 Portable Water Oshi,Bitchu Takamatsu,Saga,Takamatsu Slightly Increased their defense (10%)
御三家 Big Three Matsumae,Nagoya Increased their defense (20%)
東国名城 City of Dongguo Increased their damage (20%)
北条支城網 Hojo Support Network Oshi,Hachigata Increased their damage (20%)
龍虎相克 Dragon and Tiger Conflict Greatly Increased their damage (30%)
信濃攻め Shinano Bombardment Matsushiro, Tsutsujigasaki Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
現存天守 Existing Castles Slightly Increased their luck (10%)
古代の城 Ancient Castles Slightly Increased their luck (10%)
家康の備え Ieyasu Team Slightly Increased their defense (10%)
水際の連携 Border Coordination Oshi,Bitchu Takamatsu Increased their damage (20%)
加賀前田 Kagami Maeda Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
峻険大山城 Sunken Oyama Castles Iwamura,Takatori,Nanao Increased their damage (20%)
鯰尾の銀兜 Namazuo's Silver Helmet Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
江戸の要衝 Edo's Strategic Point Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
漆黒の要塞 Raven Castles Kumamoto,Okayama Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
官兵衛の城 Kanbee Castles Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
信長の城 Nobunaga Castles Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
始まりの城 Beginner Castles Kururi,Yamagata,Utsunomiya,Kanazawa,Iga Ueno Greatly Increased their damage (30%)
毛利姉妹 Mori Sisters Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
大坂冬の陣 Osaka Winter Camps Edo,Koriyama,Osaka Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
東北石垣造り三大城 Northeast Three Stone Wall Increased their defense (20%)
高虎の城 Castle of Takatora Nijo,Koriyama,Sasayama Slightly Increased their damage (5%)
山鹿流 Yamagata Flow Slightly Increased their defense (10%)
舞鶴城 Maizuru-Jo Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
足利氏館日和 Ashikaga Weather Greatly Increased their damage (30%)
聖夜連携 Christmas Corps Slightly Increased their defense (10%)
賀正連携 Gasho Corps Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
伊達氏入部 Masamune Clan Sendai,Uwajima Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
独眼竜の右眼 Right Eye of Dokuganryu Slightly Increased their damage (10%)
狸の眠る城 Sleeping Tanuki Slightly Increased their defense (10%)